कविता-समयको दारुण व्यथा

प्रकाशित मिति ९ बैशाख २०६७, बिहीबार ०१:२८ घटना र विचार (न्युज डेस्क)

-प्रकाश के.सी.,
यो बदलिएको समय होइन,
समय पुरानिएको मात्र हो ।
पुरानिएर समय चोइटिएको हुन्छ,
एउटै टुक्रा समयले पनि
जीवनको एक लामो भोगलाई
भोगाइको लामो कथा-व्यथालाई
आद्योपान्त व्याख्याउन सक्छ,
भोग्नका लागि अभिशप्त नियतिले
विशेष बनाएको प्रतिवद्ध समयभित्र,
अब शेष, उही मनका अवसादहरु मात्रै
निचोड, उही प्राप्तिका निसादहरु मात्रै ।

यो बललिएको ‘समय’ होइन,
यो, तिमीमा भएको परिवर्तन होइन,
समयको अन्तरवृतमा तिमी, फगत एक विन्दु हौ,
जो समयको गतिको विपरीत थिग्रियो ।
तिमीलाई लाग्दो हो
विहानै बासी लाग्ने अनिँदो सडक हुँदै
तिम्रो हिँडाइसँगै एकाकार हुन आउने
तिम्रो नियमिततासँगै
तिम्रो जाँगर र थकाइको समीश्रण बन्न
तिम्रो तटस्थताभित्र निर्वाध धावा बोल्ने
तिम्रो काँधको झोलाभित्र टिनटिन बज्दै
तिम्रो समुल बचाइलाई परिभाषित गर्ने
‘टिफिन’का आभासहरु जस्तै जीवन्त
भोगिने क्रमिकताको निरन्तरतामा
तिमीलाई लाग्दो हो
जीवनका प्रत्यक पलहरु संरक्षित हुन्छन् ।
तिमीलाई लाग्दो हो ।
तर, समयको इतिवृतमा तिमी, फगत एक विन्दु हौ ।
तिमी फगत एक विन्दु हौ ।

भर्खरै हो, ताजै अनि हालसालै हो
‘बुद्धबीर’, सँधै जस्तो अर्को विहान उठेन,
जीवनको उस्तै तर अर्को दिन भोगेन,
कसैले भन्यो, उसले ‘बुद्धत्व’ प्राप्त गर्‍यो ।
कसैले भन्यो, उसले ‘बुद्धत्व’ प्राप्त गर्‍यो,
कसले भन्यो, उसले ‘वीरत्व’ हासिल गर्‍यो,
ऊ ‘विगत’ भयो, ऊ ‘शून्य’ भयो ।
उसलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला
‘टिफिन’का आभासहरु जस्तै जीवन्त
बाँचिने नयाँ दिनको क्रमिकतामा
उसलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला
भविष्यका योजनाहरु निःबद्ध हुन्छन् ।
उसलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला ।

सडकलाई ढाकेर हिँड्न समर्थ जाँगरहरु
हावाको वेगलाई पछार्न सक्षम सामर्थ्यहरु
चोइटिँदै गएको समयको टुक्रासँगै
रछ्यानहरुमा निरुद्ध अवसान भोग्छन्,
विगतलाई तिमीले मात्र खाएनौ,
विगतले तिमीलाई पनि खाएको छ,
पलहरुको भोगमा निर्लिप्त अनुभूतिहरु
उमेरको वर्लँदो आभासको शून्यता बन्छन् ।
कतिन्जेल मनलाई अझै थामथुम पार्छौ ?
कतिन्जेल, मनलाई अझै थामथुम पार्छौ ?

भर्खरै हो, ताजै अनि हालसालै हो,
‘सीतादेवी’ले अर्कै नयाँ बाटो रोजिन्
सँधै हिँडिरहेको पुरानो बाटो छोडिन्,
कसैले भन्यो, उनले ‘सतित्व’ गुमाईन् ।
कसैले भन्यो, उनले सतित्व गुमाईन्,
कसैले भन्यो, उनले ‘दैवी-रत’ पाईन्,
उनी ‘आम’ भईन्, उनी ‘सबैकी’ भईन्
उनलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला
टिफिनका आभासहरु जस्तै जीवन्त
सम्मान र रतिपूर्ण स्वआत्मामा
उनलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला
स्वेच्छाका अतिरिक्त भोग रहेका हुन्छन् ।
उनलाई पनि त लाग्थ्यो होला ।

कल्पनाका आल्हादित श्रृड्खलाहरु
अभिशप्त र क्षुब्ध मिहीन यथार्थमा
चोइटिँदै गएको समयको टुक्रासँगै
भोगाइमा चरमको निरवता भोग्छन्
पाउनुमा, तिमीले गुमाउनुलाई दाँजेनौ,
त्रि्रो अस्तित्व नै धमिलो लाग्दछ
धमिलिएको स्वरुपलाई उर्ज्याउँदै
प्रवासी परिचयहरु निःसार बन्छन् ।
कतिन्जेल मनलाई अझै थामथुम पार्र्छौ ?
कतिन्जेल, मनलाई अझै थामथुम पार्र्छौ ?

यो बदलिएको समय होइन,
समय पुरानिएको मात्र हो ।
पुरानिएर समय चोइटिएको हुन्छ,
एउटै टुक्रा समयले पनि
जीवनको एक लामो भोगलाई
भोगाइको लामो कथा-व्यथालाई
आद्योपान्त व्याख्याउन सक्छ,
भोग्नका लागि अभिशप्त नियतिले
विशेष बनाएको प्रतिवद्ध समयभित्र,
अब शेष, उही मनका अवसादहरु मात्रै
निचोड, उही प्राप्तिका निसादहरु मात्रै ।

[केवलपुरे किसान कविता मेलामा सनाइएको कविता]

This is not a changing time,
Only time that has changed.
The changed time lingers,
That even a fragment of time
Can narrate the long tale of life’s pleasures,
The anguish of experienced joys,
Explained from beginning to end,
By the cursed fate that awaits to indulge.
Now remains, only the sorrows of the mind,
The remnants of acquired accomplishments.

This is not a “time” that has empowered,
This is not a transformation within you,
In the realm of time, you are just a point,
That contradicts the momentum of time.
You feel
The undying pain of settling in a morning street,
Turning into a singular form with your sighs,
With your regularity,
Becoming a fusion of your weariness and fatigue,
Running endlessly within your neutrality,
Resounding with a clinking in the bag on your shoulder,
Defining your entire survival,
Like the vitality of a “tiffin” experience,
In the continuity of rhythmic progression,
You feel
The moments of life are preserved.
You feel.
But in the course of time, you are just a point.
You are just a point.

It was just yesterday, and it is today,
‘Buddhavir,’ rising like another morning,
Yet not experiencing another day of life,
Someone said, he attained ‘enlightenment.’
Someone said, he attained ‘enlightenment,’
Someone said, he achieved ‘bravery,’
He became ‘past,’ he became ‘nothing.’
Maybe it happened to him too,
The vividness of life’s moments,
Alive in the continuous rhythm of existence,
Maybe it happened to him too,
The plans of the future remain unspoken.
Maybe it happened to him too.

Capable warriors, capable of surpassing the road’s obstacles,
Capable strengths to surpass the speed of the wind,
They enjoy the remnants of time’s fragments,
They indulge in the end of resistance,
You did not merely consume the past,
The past also consumed you,
The pleasures of moments,
Become the emptiness of an age of maturity,
How long will the mind remain restless?
How long, will the mind remain restless?

It was just yesterday, and it is today,
‘Sitadevi’ moves to a new path every day,
Leaving behind the perpetual old path,
Someone said, she lost her ‘chastity.’
Someone said, she lost her ‘chastity,’
Someone said, she gained ‘divine pleasure,’
She became ‘common,’ she became ‘everyone,’
Maybe it happened to her too,
Like the vivacity of a ‘tiffin’ experience,
Living in self-respect and satisfaction,
Maybe it happened to her too,
Extra pleasures of freedom exist.
Maybe it happened to her too.

Imaginary ornamented chains of thoughts,
Unrealized and disturbed realities,
Along with the fragments of time that have changed,
They enjoy the ultimate tranquility in indulgence,
In receiving, you cannot lose yourself,
In receiving, you cannot lose,
The unattached experiences of moments,
Become the evolving emptiness of perception,
How long will the mind remain entangled?
How long, will the mind remain entangled?

This is not a changing time,
Only time that has changed.
The changed time lingers,
That even a fragment of time
Can narrate the long tale of life’s pleasures,
The anguish of experienced joys,
Explained from beginning to end,
By the cursed fate that awaits to indulge.
Now remains, only the sorrows of the mind,
The remnants of acquired accomplishments.

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